Sekira ratusan warga ikut serta dalam acara tersebut. Bulu-bulu beterbangan saat para peserta memukulkan bantalnya ke satu sama lain.
Acara perang bantal itu diadakan oleh kelompok Urban Playground Movement. Kelompok itu memiliki tujuan untuk memanfaatkan tempat umum untuk kegiatan yang menyenangkan.
“Mengadakan acara perang bantal merupakan pengalaman yang sangat memuaskan,” sebut pernyataan yang dikeluarkan kelompok itu dalam situs resminya.
“Kami harap banyak warag dunia lainnya ikut merayakan Hari Perang Bantal Sedunia,” lanjut pernyataan itu, seperti dikutip Digital Spy, Selasa (9/4/2013).
Selain di Kota London, mereka juga mengadakan perang bantal di New York, Hong Kong dan kota besar dunia lainnya.
Snow storm: Participants are almost obscured contents of pillows in Trafalgar Square
Playtime's over: Londoners throw their pillows in the air as the finishing horn is sounded
Flying high: The feathers swirl around Nelson's Column in London, left, and cover the participants outside Zurich's cathedral, right
Prepare to sneeze: The pillow fight in central Sofia in Bulgaria
Clean-cut: But it's all a lot more civilised at the Dr Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, with a curious lack of feathers
Free-for-all: Pillow fighters swing wildly in Trafalgar Square, London
Chaos: Trafalgar Square becomes a bedding battleground as part of International Pillow Fight Day
Bedding brawl: International Pillow Fight Day in full swing at Washington Square Park, New York City
Cushion combat: One fighter rises from the masses as thousands of people take part in Washington Square Park, NYC
Art of war: Two women duel in front of the National Gallery at Trafalgar Square, London
Battle of Trafalgar: The pillows are a blur as fighters and photographers descend on the London landmark
Boy warrior: The fights are open to combatants of all ages, with this youngster punching above his weight in New York
Whiteout: Fighters seem to be in high spirits as feathers fill the air like snow in Budapest, Hungary
Playfight: Budapest becomes a feathery snowstorm as duck down warriors do battle
sumber | wowunic.blogspot.com | http://international.okezone.com/read/2013/04/08/214/788223/warga-inggris-rayakan-hari-perang-bantal-sedunia